Monday, June 18, 2012

What Calls

Rustling, then a high-pitched “Eeet!”

I crept into the living room and spied a brown towhee (house finch) skittering on our TV set. A flutter of wings! My eyes followed its wingline to the kitchen, the top of the refrigerator. I whispered for my daughter to come see, and she did. Immediately we opened the windows: the poor bird’s eyes had blackened and its chirps had increased. My daughter was tempted to catch it. The bird seemed vulnerable, helpless in the hard-edged world of human compartments. This urge to contain the wild -- a kind of longing for something lost.

But the bird knew the rush of fresh air was its way home, and it was so summoned.

There was no hesitation.


  1. "The poor bird’s eyes had blackened and its chirps had increased" I could feel the fear/increased stress of this towhee. What a great slice.

  2. Your writing inspires me. I can see every image.

  3. Welcome and great slice...I can only imagine how scared the little bird was of the "human compartments" you described!

  4. Thank you all for your comments!

  5. I love seeing and hearing birds. Last week we saw some completely beautiful blue birds while camping. I have been thinking about slicing about them. Love your words. Great slice!

  6. This scene was vividly captured by you in a few words. I, too liked "...helpless in the hard-edged world of human compartments."

  7. What a great moment to capture with your words. Every one seemed to be chosen with care. I'm glad the bird found its way back outside. Absolutely lovely!

  8. Exciting, evocative description! I love the sensory details, and your concise style makes it more powerful. Welcome to the Slice of Life community! :-)

  9. What a beautiful 'capture' of this time, & isn't it great that the 'captured' escaped? A good story to remember for your daughter too. Thanks, & welcome to the slice of life Tuesday!

  10. Thanks to you all for your responses! I am looking forward to more slice of life writing and reading!

  11. A wonderful slice - such a perfect description of a fleeting moment. Sometimes the "rush of fresh air" is our way home, too, but then we hesitate... I look forward to reading more of your writing.
